Where is the grave of Hazrat Nooh (A.S)...? Mcqs

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Where is the grave of Hazrat Nooh (A.S)...?

(i) Syria
(ii) Lebanon

(iii) Saudi Arabia
(iv) Jordan

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Which of the following is a graphic change format extension...?

(i) GIF
(ii) JPEG

(iii) MPG
(iv) All of these

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The topic of email is called ___ ...?

(i) Subject
(ii) Inbox

(iii) Context
(iv) None

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Pakistan's first Nuclear Power Plant was setup at Karachi in 1974 with the aid of...?

(i) China
(ii) France

(iii) Canada
(iv) North Korea

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The period of reign of Abū Isḥāq Muḥammad ibn Hārūn al-Rashīd is from___________...?

(i) 833-842
(ii) 750-850

(iii) 700-800
(iv) 687-792

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Choose the correct sentence that best represents the reported speech: They said, "We take exercise every day"...?

(i) They said that we take exercise every day
(ii) They said that they take exercise every day

(iii) They had said that they take exercise every day
(iv) They said that they took exercise every day

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Synonym of “sedate” is _________...?

(i) shy
(ii) impressive

(iii) calm
(iv) melancholy

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He said you are doing very well.Well is which part of speech:...?

(i) Noun
(ii) Verb

(iii) Adjective
(iv) Adverb

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Rohtas Fort near Jehlum built by _______...?

(i) Akbar
(ii) Sher Shah Suri

(iii) Shah Jahan
(iv) Baber

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The principle of a healthy diet includes balance, variety and ______...?

(i) availability
(ii) moderation

(iii) quality
(iv) complimentary

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