Where is the quick Access Toolbar and when should you use it...? Mcqs

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Where is the quick Access Toolbar and when should you use it...?

(i) upper-left corner and use it for your favorite commands
(ii) floats over your text and use it when you need to make formatting changes

(iii) Home tab and use it when you need to quickly launch or start new document
(iv) None of above

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British Library is situated in...?

(i) Bradford
(ii) Birmingham

(iii) London
(iv) Washington

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Dr Abdus Salam was awarded Nobel Prize having work on which basic forces...?

(i) Electromagnetic and Molecular
(ii) Electromagnetic and Electromotive

(iii) Weak and Electro Magnetic
(iv) None of these

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who invented a knitting machine...?

(i) Johan kay
(ii) William lee

(iii) Emily berliner
(iv) Johan D issacs

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Synonym of ” Blush ” is _____________...?

(i) Negotiate
(ii) Detain

(iii) Redden
(iv) Inter

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The ongoing Israel-Palestine crisis resulted from which 1947 decision...?

(i) Oslo Accords
(ii) Camp David Accords

(iii) UN Partition Plan
(iv) Balfour Declaration

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KYODO is the news agency of_________...?

(i) Japan
(ii) India

(iii) China
(iv) Pakistan

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The physical part of computer is called...?

(i) Software
(ii) Hardware

(iii) Firmware
(iv) None of these

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PAP is the news agency of ________...?

(i) Philippines
(ii) Poland

(iii) Norway
(iv) China

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Under which convention was Vietnam divided...?

(i) Geneva Convention
(ii) Paris Convention

(iii) Vienna Convention
(iv) None of these

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