Where is the tomb of Molana Jalal ud din rumi located...? Mcqs

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Where is the tomb of Molana Jalal ud din rumi located...?

(i) Rome
(ii) Baghdad

(iii) Samarkand
(iv) Konya

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Be Up to your ears means...?

(i) to be very lazy
(ii) to be very clever

(iii) to be very busy
(iv) none

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Seclusion is Sunnah in the month of Ramzan. Another kind of Seclusion is Wajib its meaning is_______...?

(i) Imperative
(ii) Obligation

(iii) Ordained
(iv) valid

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Change the narration: The policeman said, “Don’t cross the speed limit.”۔۔۔؟

(i) The policeman said not to cross the speed limit
(ii) The policeman asked if I would cross the speed limit

(iii) The policeman forbade me to cross the speed limit
(iv) The policeman asks if I had crossed the speed limit

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Prayers which were essential in the early period of Islam...?

(i) Fajar and Zuhar
(ii) Fajr and Isha

(iii) Fajr and Asar
(iv) Fajr and Magrib

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Amina is afraid ______ spiders...?

(i) To
(ii) of

(iii) for
(iv) None of these

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Who was the founder of Lodhi dynasty in India...?

(i) Ibrahim Lodhi
(ii) Bahlul Khan Lodhi

(iii) Sikander Lodhi
(iv) None of these

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River Sakeena Flows through:___________...?

(i) Africa
(ii) Australia

(iii) South America
(iv) North America

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The nonrenewable source of energy is _____...?

(i) Wind energy
(ii) Solar energy

(iii) Hydropower
(iv) Nuclear energy

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Change voice: Who designed a car?...?

(i) By whom a car designed?
(ii) By whom a car had designed?

(iii) By whom a car was designed?
(iv) By whom a car was being designed?

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