Which airlines is the largest and National airline of Israel...? Mcqs

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Which airlines is the largest and National airline of Israel...?

(i) EL AL
(ii) lAL

(iii) Air Israel
(iv) Arkia Airlines

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Where is Imam Abu Hanifa buried?...?

(i) Macca
(ii) Medina

(iii) Baghdad
(iv) None of these

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What is the meaning of Shahadat?...?

(i) Penitence
(ii) Glorification

(iii) Testimony
(iv) Repudiation of infidelity

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What is a subsidy...?

(i) A tax imposed by the government
(ii) A loan given by the government

(iii) A benefit given to individuals or businesses by the government
(iv) A fine charged by the government

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First Muslim who won the Nobel Prize...?

(i) Anwar Saddat
(ii) Yasir Arfat

(iii) Sherein Ebadi
(iv) Yousaf Ali

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If you want to insert some slides from other presentation into current one choose...?

(i) From Insert menu choose Slides from Files
(ii) From Insert menu choose Slides fromPresentation

(iii) From Insert menu choose Slides
(iv) None of these

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He said to me, "Will you accompany me" Change into Indirect Speech...?

(i) He asked me if I would accompany him
(ii) He said me if I will accompany him

(iii) He asked me if I will accompany him
(iv) None of these

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What is the old name of Makkah...?

(i) Waadi
(ii) Yasrab

(iii) Bakkah
(iv) None of these

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The diversity of species on earth is generating itself, proved the ideas of...?

(i) Louis Pasteur
(ii) Charles Darwin

(iii) Robert Koch
(iv) None of these

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A _________ is not attached to an edge of the Word window; that is, it displays in the middle of the Word window and can be moved anywhere in the window...?

(i) floating toolbar
(ii) scroll bar

(iii) status toolbar
(iv) menu bar

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