Which among the following countries was the first to give women the right to vote...? Mcqs

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Which among the following countries was the first to give women the right to vote...?

(i) Iceland
(ii) Switzerland

(iii) New Zealand
(iv) USA

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“Barcelona” is the famous city of________...?

(i) Spain
(ii) UK

(iii) Ukraine
(iv) France

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Green pepper is very rich __________ vitamin C...?

(i) Of
(ii) In

(iii) About
(iv) On

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Who was the first president of the United States of America ...?

(i) George Washington
(ii) George Harrison

(iii) Robert Zemeckis
(iv) none of these

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How many stages of COVID-19 discovered until now...?

(i) 3
(ii) 4

(iii) 5
(iv) empty

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After ________ month at Madina the change of Qibla occurred....?

(i) 15
(ii) 16

(iii) 17
(iv) 18

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مسدس کے ہر بند میں کتنے مصرع ہوتے ہیں ؟...?

(i) 4
(ii) 2

(iii) 8
(iv) 6

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Which mountain range gets its name from the Sanskrit language meaning ‘abode of snow’...?

(i) Karakoram
(ii) Hindukush

(iii) Ural
(iv) Himalayas

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The police force was first set up to maintain law and order in the Islamic state during the Caliphate of...?

(i) Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A
(ii) Hazrat Umar R.A

(iii) Hazrat Usman R.A
(iv) Hazrat Ali R.A

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Who seconded the Pakistan (Lahore) Resolution from Punjab...?

(i) Sardar Aurangzeb
(ii) Qazi Issa

(iii) Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
(iv) Abdullah Haroon

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