Which among the following wildcard characters are recognized by MS excel...? Mcqs

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Which among the following wildcard characters are recognized by MS excel...?

(i) + and –
(ii) !and ^

(iii) *and
(iv) < and >

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Peace Memorial Park in Japan was built in the memory of: ____________...?

(i) WW-II Survivors
(ii) Atomic Bomb Victims

(iii) WW-II Victims
(iv) Atomic Bomb Survivors

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Consensus of opinion stands for____________...?

(i) Ijtehad
(ii) Qiyas

(iii) Ijma
(iv) Jury

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Who adopted Hazrat Musa (Alhe Salam)...?

(i) Bibi Balqees
(ii) Bibi Aasiya

(iii) Bibi Maryam
(iv) None of these

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Out of three given numbers, the first number is twice the second and thrice the third. If the average of the three numbers is 154, what is the difference between the first and the third number...?

(i) 168
(ii) 126

(iii) 166
(iv) None of these

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Which surah ends with a prayer?...?

(i) Al Nasar
(ii) Al-Maidah

(iii) Al Bakqra
(iv) None of these

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Due to geo strategic position no peace is possible in Afghanistan without the active support and co-operation of:...?

(i) India
(ii) Iran

(iii) Pakistan
(iv) China

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KGB was the national security agency of...?

(i) UK
(ii) Syria

(iii) France
(iv) Soviet Union

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The muscles, tissues and blood all are made up of...?

(i) Carbohydreates
(ii) Proteins

(iii) Vitamins
(iv) fats

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The foreighn phrase Debut means..?

(i) Way a person goes to work
(ii) First appearance as performer

(iii) First and last appearance as performer
(iv) None of these

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