Which cities of Iran and Pakistan are linked through railway line...? Mcqs

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Which cities of Iran and Pakistan are linked through railway line...?

(i) Quetta Zahedan
(ii) Chaman Tehran

(iii) Quetta sheran
(iv) Peshawar sheraz

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The members of International court of justice [ICJ] shall be elected for the term of...?

(i) 5 years
(ii) 7 years

(iii) 9 years
(iv) 11 years

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Pakistan is connected to China by which pass...?

(i) Khunjerab pass
(ii) Khyber Pass

(iii) Tochi Pass
(iv) None of these

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Which country’s deforestation rate is the highest in Asia...?

(i) Pakistan
(ii) China

(iii) Afghanistan
(iv) None of these

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Which one of the following planets has maximum number of satellites...?

(i) Jupiter
(ii) Saturn

(iii) Venus
(iv) Uranus

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Who Represented Quraish delegation at the Negus court the ruler of Abbissinia ...?

(i) Abu Sufyan
(ii) Amr ibn al-‘As and Abdullah bin Rabiah

(iii) Al Mugharia
(iv) Muawiyia

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In MS Word, which shortcut is used for print preview...?

(i) Alt + O
(ii) Ctrl + F2

(iii) Shift + P
(iv) Ctrl + P

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Indian National Congress formed government in how many provinces after 1946 elections...?

(i) 5
(ii) 6

(iii) 7
(iv) 8

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What key is used to take a screenshot of the screen...?

(i) F12
(ii) PrtScn (Print Screen)

(iii) Ctrl + P
(iv) Esc

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"Leukemia" is a disease of the:...?

(i) nignentasieb
(ii) Blood

(iii) Skin
(iv) Nerves

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