Which city is the oldest inhabited capital in the world...? Mcqs

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Which city is the oldest inhabited capital in the world...?

(i) Cairo
(ii) Damascus

(iii) Athens
(iv) Tehran

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Which of the following leaders had translated the Lahore Resolution from English to Urdu on 23rd March 1940...?

(i) Mulana Zafar Ali Khan
(ii) Chaudhri Khaleeq uz Zaman

(iii) Dr. Muhammad Alam
(iv) Sir Sikander Hayat

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Which is the largest oil refinery in Pakistan...?

(i) Attock oil refinery
(ii) Pak-China oil refinery

(iii) Pak-Arab oil refinery
(iv) None of these

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When Quaid e Azam took oath as Governor General of Pakistan...?

(i) 15 August 1947
(ii) 14 August 1947

(iii) 17 August 1947
(iv) 18 August 1947

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On 30 June 2021, the World Health Organization announced that been certified malaria-free...?

(i) Somalia
(ii) Afghanistan

(iii) China
(iv) India

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Full form of ICAO ...?

(i) Information Charter Accountant Officer
(ii) Intimation Centre Affair Office

(iii) International Civil Award Organization
(iv) International Civil Aviation Organization

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Which prayer is performed while standing in lines...?

(i) Funeral
(ii) Rain

(iii) Kisoof
(iv) Nafl

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If an object falls 27m and rebounds two-thirds, what is the total distance...?

(i) 105m
(ii) 135m

(iii) 54m
(iv) 120m

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in Ms Word, The _________ is a special toolbar that displays a series of names, each of which represents a list of commands that can be used to perform tasks...?

(i) scroll bar
(ii) status bar

(iii) title bar
(iv) menu bar

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A Jaundiced Eye Means...?

(i) A Prejudiced Person
(ii) Offer gratitude

(iii) An intelligent
(iv) None

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