Which country exited the European Union in 2020...? Mcqs

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Which country exited the European Union in 2020...?

(i) France
(ii) Germany

(iii) Italy
(iv) UK

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A “Ctrl + Enter” command will __________ ...?

(i) Open a new document
(ii) Create a new page

(iii) Create a new Paragraph
(iv) Create a new line

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Which surah of the Holy Quran ends with two prophets name...?

(i) Surah Yusuf
(ii) Surah Ibrahim

(iii) Surah Mujadila
(iv) Surah Al-A’la

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The Indian National Congress was formed in ____...?

(i) December 28, 1888
(ii) December 28, 1885

(iii) December 28, 1886
(iv) December 28, 1880

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which key is used for help in MS Word...?

(i) F1
(ii) F2

(iii) F3
(iv) F4

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Which Indian city is known as ” Scotland of India”...?

(i) Dharamshala
(ii) Coorg

(iii) Manali
(iv) Darjeeling

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European Union has how many members:...?

(i) 27
(ii) 28

(iii) 29
(iv) None of these

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Who is Sohail Warraich...?

(i) Politician
(ii) Bureaucrat

(iii) Journalist
(iv) None of these

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World Inventor’s Day is celebrated on _____________...?

(i) 9th November
(ii) 8th April

(iii) 31st April
(iv) 23rd April

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Myopia is a defect of vision of the ...?

(i) Close objects
(ii) Distant objects

(iii) Color objects
(iv) None of these

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