Which country is located in the west of Pakistan...? Mcqs

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Which country is located in the west of Pakistan...?

(i) Iran
(ii) Afghanistan

(iii) China
(iv) India

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In MS Excel the command used to combine /merge the consecutively selected cells andcenter aligned is:...?

(i) Combine & Center
(ii) Merge & Center

(iii) Merge Cells
(iv) Combine

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________ is a computer software whose user interface and API resembles that of a printer driver...?

(i) Virtual Printer
(ii) Piotter

(iii) Italy
(iv) Egypt

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Education budget of Punjab in 2021-22 is:...?

(i) 442 Billion
(ii) 450 Billion

(iii) 592 Billion
(iv) None of these

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Who invented the railway engine...?

(i) George Stephenson
(ii) Thomas Edison

(iii) James Watt
(iv) Nikola Tesla

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First country who issued currency notes in the world...?

(i) greece
(ii) China

(iii) Italy
(iv) Russia

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Choose the correct sentenceYou had better looked for some other options...?

(i) You had better looked for some other options
(ii) You had better looking for some other options

(iii) You had better looked to some other options
(iv) You had better look for some other options

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Hazrat Umar was born on _________...?

(i) 571 AD
(ii) 588 AD

(iii) 592 AD
(iv) 586 AD

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If x % of 60 = 48 then x=...?

(i) 40
(ii) 60

(iii) 70
(iv) 80

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In which hijri year Qibla was change...?

(i) 4
(ii) 3

(iii) 5
(iv) 2

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