Which country is the largest natural gas producer in the World:...? Mcqs

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Which country is the largest natural gas producer in the World:...?

(i) Libya
(ii) Afghanistan

(iii) Iran
(iv) Russia

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Who is the first Sikh senator belongs to KPK:...?

(i) Lai Chand
(ii) Gurdeep Singh

(iii) Shunila Ruth
(iv) None of these

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What is the shortcut key to display field codes...?

(i) Alt + F9
(ii) Ctrl + F9

(iii) Shift + F9
(iv) Space + F9

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If x= 3 + √8 Find the value of x² + 1/x²...?

(i) 32
(ii) 34

(iii) 36
(iv) None of these

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Which agreement was signed by nearly 200 countries to achieve carbon emission free status...?

(i) Paris Agreement
(ii) Glasgow Climate Pact

(iii) Environmental Conference 2021
(iv) None of these

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Choose the best meaning of Idiomatic phrase To cross swords...?

(i) To fight
(ii) To defend

(iii) To kill
(iv) To rob

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Synonym of “ captious” is _________...?

(i) prominent
(ii) carping

(iii) critical
(iv) caustic

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1 Gigabyte is equal to _______...?

(i) 1024 bytes
(ii) 1024 bits

(iii) 1024 megabytes
(iv) 1024 terabytes

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Which Salaah (prayer) is offered during the time of war...?

(i) Salat-al-Harb
(ii) Salat-al-Qitaal

(iii) Salat-e-Khauf
(iv) None of these

Latest MCQs

How many people died in sinking of titanic...?

(i) 1517
(ii) 759

(iii) 2000
(iv) 1380

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