Which country not uses the Rupee as its currency...? Mcqs

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Which country not uses the Rupee as its currency...?

(i) India
(ii) UK

(iii) Pakistan
(iv) Sri Lanka

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Synonym of ” Kowtow  ” is _________...?

(i) Prostrate
(ii) Debar

(iii) Nullify
(iv) Hoard

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Comb was invented by Prophet...?

(i) Nuh (A.S)
(ii) Daud (A.S)

(iii) Ibrahim (A.S)
(iv) Sulaiman (A.S)

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Which of the following institution was established in 1864:...?

(i) MAO College Lahore
(ii) Punjab Training College

(iii) Islamia College Lahore
(iv) Govt College Lahore

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The 5th pillar of Islam is...?

(i) Hajj
(ii) Tauheed

(iii) Namaz
(iv) Zakat

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On December 14, 2022, which country launches space force unit in South Korea:...?

(i) UK
(ii) US

(iii) Japan
(iv) Germany

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When was indian council act passed:...?

(i) 1855
(ii) 1858

(iii) 1861
(iv) 1884

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A glacier is:...?

(i) River of ice sliding down a mountain carrying along material
(ii) Slow moving sheet of ice

(iii) Both A & B
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of Warmonger is_________...?

(i) Militarist
(ii) Pacifist

(iii) Honest
(iv) Optimist

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Animation schemes can be applied to ________ in the presentation...?

(i) All slides
(ii) Select slides

(iii) Current slide
(iv) All of these

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