Which day is observed on 15th May every year...? Mcqs

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Which day is observed on 15th May every year...?

(i) Water day
(ii) Environment day

(iii) Postal Day
(iv) Families day

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Why Drop Caps are used in document...?

(i) To drop all the capital letters
(ii) To automatically begin each paragraph with capital letter

(iii) To begin a paragraph with a large dropped initial capital letter
(iv) None of These

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WIPO is the abbreviation of:...?

(i) World International Peace Organization
(ii) World International Property Organizations

(iii) World Intellectual Property Organization
(iv) Web Intellectual Property Organization

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Synonym of “pretension” is _________...?

(i) absurdity
(ii) anxious feeling

(iii) undisputed right
(iv) claim

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The average weight of 8 persons is increased by 2.5 kg when one of them who weighs 56 kg is replaced by a new man. The weight of the new man is:...?

(i) 76 kg
(ii) 72 kg

(iii) 78 kg
(iv) None of these

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ہادیہ کس کی تصنیف ہے؟...?

(i) غلام محمد قاصر
(ii) جمیل احمد عدیل

(iii) علی عباس حسینی
(iv) سید احمد خان

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Sri Lanka changed its name is...?

(i) Ceylon
(ii) Rangoon

(iii) British Island
(iv) None of these

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Change Voice. Open the Window...?

(i) Let the window be open
(ii) Let the window be opened

(iii) Let the windows be opened
(iv) None of these

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Human rights day is observed on which date...?

(i) 10 December
(ii) 11 December

(iii) 15 December
(iv) 19 December

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What type of energy do solar cells convert...?

(i) Kinetic energy to electrical energy
(ii) Thermal energy to electrical energy

(iii) Solar energy to electrical energy
(iv) Chemical energy to electrical energy

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