Which excel feature is associated with a ______ line appearing around a cell when selected...? Mcqs

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Which excel feature is associated with a ______ line appearing around a cell when selected...?

(i) Data Validation
(ii) Active Cell Highlighting

(iii) Filter
(iv) Freeze Panes

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How many years did Hazrat Muhammad (saw) preach Islam during his life time...?

(i) 52
(ii) 40

(iii) 23
(iv) 13

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The oldest news agency in the world is...?

(i) AFP
(ii) WAFA

(iii) BBC
(iv) CNN

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What is the name of the large salty lake which lies between Israel and Jordan...?

(i) Salt Lake
(ii) Dead Sea

(iii) Death Lake
(iv) None of these

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The antonym of Downfall is:...?

(i) Balance
(ii) Rise

(iii) Below
(iv) Disintegration

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What type of acid is used in car batteries...?

(i) Hydrochloric acid
(ii) Hydrofluoric acid

(iii) Nitric acid
(iv) Sulphuric acid

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Which rocks make the earth's surface or crust...?

(i) Sedimentary
(ii) Igneous

(iii) Metamorphics
(iv) All Of Above

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حضرت ابرہیم علیہ السلام کے وقت کا بادشاہ کون تھا ؟...?

(i) نمرود
(ii) ابراہیم

(iii) اسماعیل
(iv) None Of These

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The line joining places of equal Rainfall is termed as...?

(i) Contour
(ii) Isoyet

(iii) Isothem
(iv) Isobar

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The highest battlefield in the world is...?

(i) Tibet
(ii) Siachen Glacier

(iii) Jafna
(iv) Kashmir

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