Which famous personality of English literature awarded Nobel prize in 1907:...? Mcqs

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Which famous personality of English literature awarded Nobel prize in 1907:...?

(i) Paul Heyse
(ii) Rudyard Kipling

(iii) Romain Rolland
(iv) None of these

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0.5 x 0.06 = ______

(i) 03
(ii) 0.03

(iii) 3
(iv) 0.003

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Arabic language is the National language of more than ____countries of the world...?

(i) 22
(ii) 30

(iii) 40
(iv) None of these

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In MS Word a character that is raised and is smaller above the baseline is called...?

(i) Outline
(ii) Superscript

(iii) Raised
(iv) Subscript

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Which of the following plants produce the worlds biggest flower by size and which smells like rotten flesh....?

(i) Raflessia Arnoldi
(ii) Cactus

(iii) Pitcher plant
(iv) None of these

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The world's deepest trench the Mariana Trench is located in:...?

(i) Indian Ocean
(ii) Atlantic Ocean

(iii) Pacific Ocean
(iv) Arctic Ocean

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What is the official language of Mexico ...?

(i) Spanish
(ii) French

(iii) Italian
(iv) English

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Which is not the Seven Wonders of the World...?

(i) Colossus of Rhodes
(ii) Pyramids of Egypt

(iii) Hanging Gardens of Babylon
(iv) None of these

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What did you make ___ the lecture ...?

(i) to
(ii) of

(iii) for
(iv) none of these

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Synonym of EAGER is __________ ...?

(i) Devoted
(ii) Clever

(iii) Curious
(iv) Enthusiastic

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