Which from the following countries does NOT yield veto-power...? Mcqs

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Which from the following countries does NOT yield veto-power...?

(i) United States
(ii) United Kingdom

(iii) Canada
(iv) France

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Summer Olympics for the years 2020 will be held in

(i) Tokyo
(ii) Beijing

(iii) Athens
(iv) Hanoi

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A place where fish are kept is called:...?

(i) Aquarium
(ii) Apiary

(iii) Aviary
(iv) Coop

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Select the most appropriate one-word substitution from the provided options A person who loves books...?

(i) Bibliophile
(ii) Bibliophobe

(iii) Xenophile
(iv) Cinephile

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The first ever nuclear bomb was detonated in which country...?

(i) USA
(ii) France

(iii) Mexico
(iv) None of these

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Which Surah is known as Aroos-ul-Quran...?

(i) Al-Rehman
(ii) Al-Alaq

(iii) Al-Baqarah
(iv) Al-Asr

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An American air defense system “THAAD” stands for ____________...?

(i) Territory High Altitude Air Deception
(ii) Terminal High Altitude Area Defense

(iii) Territorial High Ariel Across Defense
(iv) Tight High Altitude Area Direction

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وہ کون سے شاعر تھے جو 1911 ء میں سیالکوٹ میں پیدا ہوئے اور لاہور میں وفات پائی۔۔؟

(i) صوفی تبسم
(ii) قتیل شفائی

(iii) فیض احمد فیض
(iv) احمد ندیم قاسمی

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I __________ your letter yesterday....?

(i) have received
(ii) had received

(iii) received
(iv) None

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Name the animal who sleep by one eye open____________...?

(i) Starfish
(ii) Shark

(iii) Elephent
(iv) Dolphin

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