Which gas is 80 times more potent than CO2...? Mcqs

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Which gas is 80 times more potent than CO2...?

(i) Nitrogen
(ii) Methane

(iii) Carbon
(iv) None of these

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Who are called Umm-ul-Momineen...?

(i) The Holy Mothers of the Muslims
(ii) The sisters of the Holy Prophet(SAW)

(iii) The Holy wives of the Holy Prophet(SAW)
(iv) None of them

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Synonym of “abide” is _________...?

(i) loaf
(ii) approve

(iii) endure
(iv) suspend

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What is meant by Amicus Curiae...?

(i) Jurist
(ii) Ambassador

(iii) a person or group who is not a party to an action , but has a strong interest
(iv) All that goes to make a break of law

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Communist revolution took place in Russia in the month...?

(i) March
(ii) June

(iii) October
(iv) November

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Synonym of “copse” is _______....?

(i) thicket
(ii) box

(iii) stone hut
(iv) cloud

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Hazart Amina R.A belonged to _________ tribe ...?

(i) Banu Qurish
(ii) Bani Zohra

(iii) Banu Hashim
(iv) None of these

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World Tuna day is observed on __________...?

(i) 30th April
(ii) 1st May

(iii) 2nd May
(iv) None of these

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Which ex-president of Egypt passed away in the year 2020...?

(i) Husni Mubarak
(ii) Hafiz UI Asad

(iii) Anwar Sadaat
(iv) Habib Bourakiba

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Which Pillar of Islam washes the sins like water...?

(i) Nimaz
(ii) Hajj

(iii) Zakat
(iv) None of these

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