Which gas is known as laughing gas...? Mcqs

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Which gas is known as laughing gas...?

(i) Nitrous oxide N2O
(ii) Nitrogen

(iii) Methane
(iv) None of these

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Hajr-e-Aswad is installed on the wall of Khana Kaaba. What is the meaning of Aswad...?

(i) Holy
(ii) Heavenly

(iii) Heavy
(iv) Black

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Chairman Mao was the charismatic and brutal leader of Communist of...?

(i) Thailand
(ii) China

(iii) Burma
(iv) India

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In 2023, which international organization announced its plans for a global minimum tax...?

(i) World Bank
(ii) OECD

(iii) IMF
(iv) UN

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Great Victoria desert is present in ____________...?

(i) China
(ii) Australia

(iii) Sudan
(iv) New Zealand

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Storage capacity of magnetic disk depends on...?

(i) bits per inch of tracks
(ii) disk pack in disk surface

(iii) All of the above
(iv) tracks per inch of surface

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UsA film industry Hollywood is located in...?

(i) Maryland
(ii) California

(iii) Virginia
(iv) New York

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If P: Q :=8 and Q: R = 3/2 then find P Q:R...?

(i) 8:15:7
(ii) 8:15:10

(iii) 7:15:8
(iv) 10:15:8

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What does the phrase "Putting the cart before the horse" mean...?

(i) To do something contrary to conventional order
(ii) To be ready to go

(iii) To do things in correct order
(iv) To be over active

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Choose the correct meaning of the idiom: "Once in a blue moon"...?

(i) Once in a month
(ii) By weekly

(iii) On rare occasions
(iv) Every now and then

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