Which incident took place on 24th September 622 AD in the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)...? Mcqs

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Which incident took place on 24th September 622 AD in the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)...?

(i) He migrated to Madina
(ii) He fell ill

(iii) He was attacked
(iv) He was stopped to travel

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Antonym of WEAN is...?

(i) Deatach
(ii) Attach

(iii) Discourage
(iv) Halt

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The number of bones in new born baby is:...?

(i) 200
(ii) 250

(iii) 300
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following continents has no desert...?

(i) Australia
(ii) North America

(iii) South America
(iv) Europe

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The first computer was programmed using...?

(i) Source code
(ii) Assembly language

(iii) Machine language
(iv) Spaghetti code

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The Stonehenge is among the Seven Wounder of the World situated in...?

(i) England
(ii) France

(iii) Italy
(iv) Germany

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In the “Sacrilegious wars”, when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was 20 years of age, Quraish and their allies were lead by __________....?

(i) Abu Jahal
(ii) Abu Lahab

(iii) Umayah bin Khalaf
(iv) Harb bin Umayah

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Who wrote Huj tul Baligha...?

(i) Muyrelid Difsani
(ii) Shah Waliullah

(iii) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
(iv) All Of Above

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In the sentence, "He is the athlete who has won many competitions," the word "who" is a...?

(i) Relative pronoun
(ii) Interrogative pronoun

(iii) Demonstrative pronoun
(iv) None of these

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What was the name of Imam Bukhari (R.A)...?

(i) Muhammad bin Ismaeel
(ii) Muhammad Ismaeel

(iii) Muhammad Ibraheem
(iv) Ismaeel bin Ibraheem

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