Which is 11th month of Islamic Calendar...? Mcqs

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Which is 11th month of Islamic Calendar...?

(i) Ziqa’ad
(ii) Safar

(iii) Rabi-uI-Awwal
(iv) Shawwal

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I’m ________ sure of it as you are...?

(i) As
(ii) Quite

(iii) Perfectly
(iv) Very

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How many non-Muslim Kuffar were killed in Ghazwa e Badr...?

(i) 50
(ii) 80

(iii) 70
(iv) None of these

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The relationship of Hazrat Loot (AS) with Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) is___________...?

(i) Cousin
(ii) Brother

(iii) Nephew
(iv) None of these

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The commitment to the US lunar mission was announced by which president in May 1961...?

(i) Richard Nixon
(ii) Abraham Lincoln

(iii) George Washington
(iv) John F. Kennedy

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The world is celebrating in 2009, 200th birth anniversary of the scientist...?

(i) Charles Darwin
(ii) James Watt

(iii) Roger Bacon
(iv) Isaac Newton

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Which of the following is not a chemical reaction...?

(i) Burning of a paper
(ii) Conversion of Water into stream

(iii) Digestion of food
(iv) Burning of coal

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Which of the following is used in normal pencils...?

(i) Graphite
(ii) Silicon

(iii) Charcoal
(iv) Slate

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______ computer are of large size...?

(i) Mainframe computers
(ii) Micro computers

(iii) Super computers
(iv) None of these

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UNHCR is formally known as the: _______________...?

(i) High Commissioner for Refugees
(ii) UN Commissioner for Refugees

(iii) Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees
(iv) Refugees High Commission

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