Which is not an input device:...? Mcqs

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Which is not an input device:...?

(i) Mouse
(ii) Plotter

(iii) Keyboard
(iv) Scanner

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Which country is located in both Asia and Africa...?

(i) Algeria
(ii) Egypt

(iii) Libya
(iv) None of these

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“Arbaeen” is the book of Hadith in which there are:__________...?

(i) 20 Ahadith
(ii) 30 Ahadith

(iii) 40 Ahadith
(iv) 50 ahadith

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Schloss Bellevue is the official residence of __________...?

(i) France president
(ii) Germany president

(iii) Turkish president
(iv) None of these

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The story of the worship of cow of Bani Israeel mentioned in Surah ____________....?

(i) Surah Baqara
(ii) Surah Taha

(iii) Surah Qasas
(iv) Surah Kahfi

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Father of Slave dynasty..?

(i) Qutb-ud-din Aibak
(ii) Khizer Khan

(iii) Behlol Lodhi
(iv) None of these

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The _____ option is used to refine the search...?

(i) Search
(ii) Advance search

(iii) Search settings
(iv) None of these

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Find interest on Rs 40,000 at the rate of 3% annually for 4 years investment:...?

(i) Rs 5000
(ii) Rs 4700

(iii) Rs 4800
(iv) Rs 4900

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Hamun Maskhel Lake present in Baluchistan plaeau. It is lake of...?

(i) Fress water
(ii) Hard water

(iii) Salt water
(iv) None of these

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ڈیورنڈ لائن کب بنائی گئی۔۔۔؟

(i) 1890
(ii) 1895

(iii) 1893
(iv) 1890

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