Which is not the Seven Wonders of the World...? Mcqs

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Which is not the Seven Wonders of the World...?

(i) Colossus of Rhodes
(ii) Pyramids of Egypt

(iii) Hanging Gardens of Babylon
(iv) None of these

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Ayat ul Kursi (آیت الکُرسی) is in which Surah of the Holy Quran...?

(i) Surah Al-ma’ida
(ii) Surah An-Nisa

(iii) Surah Al-Baqarah
(iv) Surah Al- A’raf

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Another name of K2 is:...?

(i) Godwin Austen
(ii) Broad Peak

(iii) Koyo Zom
(iv) None of these

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Which is the Shortcut key to Apply the Normal style...?

(i) Alt + Ctrl + Shift + N
(ii) Ctrl + Shift + M

(iii) Ctrl + Shift + N
(iv) Alt + Ctrl + N

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فتح مکہ کب ہوئی ۔۔۔؟

(i) 7 AH
(ii) 6 AH

(iii) 8 AH
(iv) 9 AH

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The modern name of Shahjahanabad is:...?

(i) Fatehpursikri
(ii) Agra

(iii) Purani Dilli
(iv) None of these

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Maulana Mhammad Ali Jauhar had started publishing his famous English Newspaper 'Comrade' in 1911 from...?

(i) Delhi
(ii) Bombay

(iii) Calcutta
(iv) Lahore

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Choose the right one...?

(i) Many a Soldier lost his life in war
(ii) Many a Soldiers lost his life in war

(iii) Many a Soldier lost their life in wars
(iv) None of these

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I am sick .......... this idle life...?

(i) Of
(ii) On

(iii) In
(iv) With

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JAMSHED MARKER distinguished himself in the field of:...?

(i) Civil Service
(ii) Teaching

(iii) Diplomacy
(iv) Fiction writing

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