Which is the capital of Somalia...? Mcqs

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Which is the capital of Somalia...?

(i) Nairobi
(ii) Cairo

(iii) Mogadishu
(iv) None of these

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Which surah starts without “Bismillah”...?

(i) Al-Baqarah
(ii) Al-Taubah

(iii) Al-Nisa
(iv) Al-Quresh

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Synonym of “sundry” is __________....?

(i) aged
(ii) supply

(iii) various
(iv) tremendous

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What does opportunity cost refer to...?

(i) The cost of purchasing an item
(ii) Giving up the opportunity to choose the next best alternative

(iii) The amount of money spent on a product
(iv) The cost of producing a good or service

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The first complete Madani Surah is __________...?

(i) Al-Nas
(ii) Al-Nisa

(iii) Aal-e-Imran
(iv) Al-Baqarah

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In 2002, Amnesty International succeeded in having an "Optional Protocol" added to the Child Human Rights Act in the UN. This protocol raised the age at which states can legally recruit children into the armed forces to 18. What is legal age under

(i) 13
(ii) 14

(iii) 18
(iv) 15

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'Chennai' is the new name of which Indian city:...?

(i) Madras
(ii) Patna

(iii) Agra
(iv) Lucknow

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Cinco de Maryo is a national festival to celebrate the victory of which country over from French forces...?

(i) Spain
(ii) Mexico

(iii) New Zealand
(iv) Russia

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Mount Sinai is in

(i) Egypt
(ii) Isreal

(iii) Syria
(iv) Iran

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Hazrat Rabia Basri was born in which Hijri year...?

(i) 85 Hijri
(ii) 90 Hijri

(iii) 96 Hijri
(iv) None of these

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