Which is the default page orientation in MS Word...? Mcqs

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Which is the default page orientation in MS Word...?

(i) Landscape
(ii) Regular

(iii) Portrait
(iv) Standard

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What should a Javanese couple do in order to get married...?

(i) Plant 5 trees
(ii) Free 5 birds

(iii) Free 5 animals
(iv) Visit 5 countries

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What is compiler...?

(i) system program that converts instructions to machine language
(ii) system program that converts machine language to high-level language

(iii) system program that writes instructions to perform
(iv) All of these

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Geographically Pakistan is situated in:...?

(i) Central Asia
(ii) South Asia

(iii) North Asia
(iv) East Asia

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Which was the favorite month of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)...?

(i) Ramadan
(ii) Rajab

(iii) Sha’ban
(iv) Safar

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The book is______the mug and pen...?

(i) In
(ii) Among

(iii) Between
(iv) OF

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Which is the deepest lake of the world ...?

(i) Lake Baikal
(ii) Caspian Lake

(iii) Wular Lake
(iv) Lake Victoria

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The reaction between an acid and a base is called neutralization reaction, product of this reaction is ______...?

(i) salt and water
(ii) acid solution

(iii) base solution
(iv) water

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Cyril Ramaphosa is the president of which country...?

(i) Zimbabwe
(ii) South Africa

(iii) Kenya
(iv) Nigeria

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Idiom As the Crow flies means:...?

(i) Indirect
(ii) Impossible

(iii) Straight
(iv) None of these

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