Which is the longest glacier in Karakoram range and second longest in the non-polar region...? Mcqs

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Which is the longest glacier in Karakoram range and second longest in the non-polar region...?

(i) Hispar glacier
(ii) Siachen glacier

(iii) Biafo glacier
(iv) None of these

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MS excel is used to data...?

(i) Organize
(ii) Share

(iii) Communicate
(iv) Obtain

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'Paradise lost' was written by...?

(i) John Milton
(ii) Charles Dckens

(iii) Blake Wiliam
(iv) Bertrand Russell

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Which gas present in the Earth's atmosphere can absorb solar ultraviolet radiation...?

(i) Oxygen
(ii) Ozone

(iii) Carbon dioxide
(iv) Nitrogen

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Where does the United Nations Commission on Human Rights meet and for how long...?

(i) In Geneva for six weeks each year
(ii) In London for seven weeks each year

(iii) In Paris for six weeks each years
(iv) In New York for ten weeks each year

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An ethics that deals with “Ethical Action” is termed as...?

(i) Meta Ethics
(ii) Normative Ethics

(iii) Virtue Ethics
(iv) None of these

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USSR disintegrated in how many states in 1991...?

(i) 11
(ii) 13

(iii) 15
(iv) 17

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دید بینا کا کیا مطلب ہے ؟...?

(i) دیکھنے والی آنکھ
(ii) صاحب بصیرت آنکھ

(iii) دیدہ ور
(iv) یہ تمام

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From which word 'Aqeeda' is derived...?

(i) Aqd
(ii) Aqaid

(iii) Aqleed
(iv) Taqleed

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الٹی ہو گئیں سب تدبیریں نہ کچھ دوانے کام کیا۔ کس شاعر کے کلام کا مصرح ہے؟...?

(i) غالب
(ii) میر تقی میر

(iii) غالب
(iv) اقبال

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