Which is the only country in the world in which there is Day in one Part and night in the other ...? Mcqs

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Which is the only country in the world in which there is Day in one Part and night in the other ...?

(i) Sweden
(ii) Norway

(iii) Russia
(iv) Ukraine

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WIPO is the abbreviation of:...?

(i) World International Peace Organization
(ii) World International Property Organizations

(iii) World Intellectual Property Organization
(iv) Web Intellectual Property Organization

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Who is better known as “Sayed Ahmad Shah” in following famous writers...?

(i) Patras Bukhari
(ii) Ahmad Faraz

(iii) Ustad Bukhari
(iv) All of these

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Prophet Hazrat ____________ has the title Najeeb Ullah...?

(i) Ibrahim A.S
(ii) Noah A.S

(iii) Musa A.S
(iv) Dawood A.S

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The theory stating that new matter is always created to fill the space left by the Universe is called...?

(i) Big Bang
(ii) Steady State

(iii) Hubble's Theory
(iv) Black Hole

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Prophet (SAW) not offered funeral prayer of _________ due to Allah‘s will....?

(i) Hazrat Ruqia (RA)
(ii) Hazrat Khadija (RA)

(iii) Hazrat Maria Qibtiya (RA)
(iv) Hazrat Safia (RA)

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The theme for International Day of Sports for Development and Peace 2023 is ___________...?

(i) Give your best
(ii) Sports open for all

(iii) Scoring for People and the Planet
(iv) None of these

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What was the amount of the IMF loan provided to Pakistan in June 2023...?

(i) $1 billion
(ii) $2 billion

(iii) $3 billion
(iv) $4 billion

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Where "CN Tower" is located?...?

(i) London
(ii) Toronto

(iii) Dubai
(iv) Heidelberg

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Geneva is a famous city of which country...?

(i) New Zealand
(ii) Switzerland

(iii) Italy
(iv) None of these

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