Which key is used to go one screen down in MS Word...? Mcqs

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Which key is used to go one screen down in MS Word...?

(i) Page down
(ii) Ctrl + Page down

(iii) Shift + Page down
(iv) None of these

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When Libya gained Independence from France and Italy...?

(i) 1943
(ii) 1946

(iii) 1951
(iv) None of These

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The Pakistan initiative for mothers and new- born...?

(i) Against child labor
(ii) Protection of women

(iii) Women rights
(iv) Training to fight women against extremism

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Which country hosted the 2024 Summer Olympics...?

(i) France
(ii) Australia

(iii) Japan
(iv) USA

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Pakistan Code...?

(i) PKI
(ii) PK

(iii) PAK
(iv) PKSTN

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Which city in Switzerland was the headquarters of the League of Nations ...?

(i) Brussels
(ii) Geneva

(iii) Canberra
(iv) none of these

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Which of the following is Currency of China...?

(i) Yuan
(ii) Yen

(iii) Dinar
(iv) Rupee

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How many Rakus are in the Holy Quran...?

(i) 460
(ii) 490

(iii) 558
(iv) 570

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What does the phrase "Putting the cart before the horse" mean...?

(i) To do something contrary to conventional order
(ii) To be ready to go

(iii) To do things in correct order
(iv) To be over active

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How many bits are in one byte:...?

(i) 4
(ii) 8

(iii) 16
(iv) 32

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