Which kind of race is the annual ‘Giro d’Italia’...? Mcqs

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Which kind of race is the annual ‘Giro d’Italia’...?

(i) Swimming
(ii) Skiing

(iii) Rock climbing
(iv) Cycling

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Find out the average of A and B if the given value is 16A and 16 B = 48...?

(i) 1.5
(ii) 2

(iii) 5.3
(iv) .4

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Farmer Parkinson dog is________ to scare any intruder...?

(i) Such Ferocious
(ii) Ferocious enough

(iii) Ferocious that
(iv) None of these

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Choose the most suitable synonym of underlined word: She was disgusted by her friend's "outrageous" behavior...?

(i) Threatening
(ii) Shocking

(iii) Unbecoming
(iv) Unacoontable

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The currency of Indonesia is _________...?

(i) rupiah
(ii) dinar

(iii) ringgit
(iv) riyal

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On whose request the Messenger of Allah sent 70 scholars to teach the Qur’an to the people of Najd on Safar 4 Hijri...?

(i) Aqib bin Aseed
(ii) Mnzar bin Amr

(iii) Abu Bray
(iv) Ubada bin Samit

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Programs stored in ROM are called:...?

(i) Fireware
(ii) Formware

(iii) None of these
(iv) Firmware

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On which of the following issues, Arab Israel peace process stalled...?

(i) Shape and size of future Palestinian state
(ii) Status of East Jerusalem

(iii) Fate of 3.5 million Palestinian refugees
(iv) All of these

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Identify the last Ghazwa is which the Holy Prophet participated...?

(i) Tabuk
(ii) Hunain

(iii) Mutah
(iv) Hzab

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The process of releasing mature ovum from the ovary is called:...?

(i) Ovulation
(ii) Fertilization

(iii) Mike Pence
(iv) Joe Biden

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