Which Muslim Scientist is considered to be the founder of chemistry...? Mcqs

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Which Muslim Scientist is considered to be the founder of chemistry...?

(i) Ibn Al Nafees
(ii) Jabir ibn Hayyan

(iii) Abu Nasr Al-Farabi
(iv) None of these

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"Alma Mater" is:...?

(i) An Instrument to gauge rainfall
(ii) A famous tower in Paris

(iii) The place where someone was educated
(iv) investigation centre of Scotland Yard

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What is the mother’s name of Hazrat Annas r.a ...?

(i) Hazrat Um -e Aeman (RA)
(ii) Hazrat Um -e Umara (RA)

(iii) Hazrat Um -e Ruman (RA)
(iv) Hazrat Um -e Saleem (RA)

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Which was the first institution of Islam...?

(i) Suffah
(ii) Marwah

(iii) Rami
(iv) Waquf

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Choose the antonym Embellish...?

(i) Adorn
(ii) Furnish

(iii) Simplify
(iv) None of these

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Famous news channel BBC was founded on: __________...?

(i) October 18, 1922
(ii) November 17, 1920

(iii) December 16, 1918
(iv) None of These

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World Photography Day WPD observed each year on ___________...?

(i) 12th August
(ii) 17th August

(iii) 19th August
(iv) 22nd August

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The hardest thing present in human body is ______...?

(i) Skull bones
(ii) Dental enemal

(iii) Ribs
(iv) Femur

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The first computer was programmed using...?

(i) Source code
(ii) Assembly language

(iii) Machine language
(iv) Spaghetti code

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He has been suffering from fever ____ the last 3 days....?

(i) Since
(ii) For

(iii) From
(iv) None of these

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