Which of the following branch of biology is related with the study of the bacteria:...? Mcqs

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Which of the following branch of biology is related with the study of the bacteria:...?

(i) Immunology
(ii) Microbiology

(iii) Entomology
(iv) Genetics

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Who was the first Abbasid caliph of Islam...?

(i) Abu Ja’far al Mansur
(ii) Abu al-Abbas al-Saffah

(iii) Abū ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad (Al Mahdi)
(iv) Abū Muḥammad Mūsā (Al Hadi)

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When did Imam Abu Hanifa die...?

(i) 150 Hijri
(ii) 160 Hijri

(iii) 170 Hijri
(iv) 180 Hijri

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Which country is the world’s largest producer of coffee ...?

(i) Taiwan
(ii) UK

(iii) Brazil
(iv) Switzerland

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Which one is not a vestigial organ of human being...?

(i) Appendix
(ii) Eye lid

(iii) Coccyx
(iv) None of these

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Choose the best English Translation from the given options باوثوق ذرائع سے

(i) Straight from the horse's mouth
(ii) Straight from the officials

(iii) Straight from the lion's mouth
(iv) Straight from the box

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Where is Jabl-e-Zaintoon, Mount of olive...?

(i) Makkah
(ii) Madina

(iii) Damscus
(iv) Palestine

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In which year was the first Pakistan and European Union summit held, and where...?

(i) 2005, London
(ii) 2007, Islamabad

(iii) 2009, Brussels
(iv) 2011, Paris

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Synonym of ZEALOT is...?

(i) Fanatic
(ii) Apathy

(iii) Liberal
(iv) Impious

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Synonym of DELEGATE is _____________...?

(i) Representative
(ii) Officer

(iii) Member
(iv) Servant

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