Which of the following can be used to divide a web page into Areas...? Mcqs

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Which of the following can be used to divide a web page into Areas...?

(i) frames
(ii) theme

(iii) table of contents
(iv) none of the above

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Which of the following is not an example of a Web Browser ...?

(i) Chrome
(ii) Safari

(iii) Internet Explorer
(iv) Microsoft Office

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What is the shortcut key to "Subscript" the selected text?...?

(i) Ctrl+=
(ii) Ctrl+-

(iii) Ctrl+Shift+=
(iv) Ctrl + Shift + -66

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Change voice: Please give me your pen take your seat...?

(i) Let your pen given me and take your seat.
(ii) You are requested to give me your pen and take your seat

(iii) You are warned to give me your pen and take your seat
(iv) You are ordered to give me your pen and take your seat

Latest MCQs

On which of the following issues, Arab Israel peace process stalled...?

(i) Shape and size of future Palestinian state
(ii) Status of East Jerusalem

(iii) Fate of 3.5 million Palestinian refugees
(iv) All of these

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Synonym of “providence” is _________...?

(i) Puzzle
(ii) Ruin

(iii) Renounce
(iv) persons destiny

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Which of the following is not used to access the web...?

(i) ISDN
(ii) Modem

(iii) UDP
(iv) DSL

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What is the relationship between Abdul Rahman and Hazrat Aisha (R.A)...?

(i) Brother and sister
(ii) Only neighborhood

(iii) No relationship
(iv) None of These

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Which country has more pyramids than other country in the world...?

(i) Japan
(ii) Sudan

(iii) Egypt
(iv) None of These

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Headquarter of freedom house is situated in...?

(i) Washington
(ii) Geneva

(iii) London
(iv) None of these

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