Which of the following can be used to navigate documents...? Mcqs

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Which of the following can be used to navigate documents...?

(i) frames
(ii) hyperlinks

(iii) web toolbar
(iv) all of the above

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Which is true when you insert an excel worksheet into a word document...?

(i) word is the destination document
(ii) excel is the destination document

(iii) the worksheet is the destination document
(iv) the document is the source document

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The ratio of last year income of A, B & C was 3: 4: 5. While the ratio of their last year income to current year income is 4: 5; 2: 3 and 3: 4 respectively. If their total current year income is Rs. Find the present income of A...?

(i) Rs22400
(ii) Rs22500

(iii) Rs22600
(iv) Rs22700

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400-year old Morro Castle is located in which country...?

(i) Russia
(ii) The USA

(iii) Cuba
(iv) The UK

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First Afghan War took place in ...?

(i) 1838
(ii) 1837

(iii) 1839
(iv) 1840

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KLM is an airline of __________...?

(i) Australia
(ii) Germany

(iii) Netherlands
(iv) Austria

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Facsimile of Holy Prophet (SAWS) was____________...?

(i) Hazrat Hussain
(ii) Hazrat Hassan

(iii) Hazrat Zubair
(iv) Hazrat Mus’ab bin Umair

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The largest desert of Pakistan is...?

(i) Thar
(ii) Thal

(iii) Cholistan
(iv) Kharan

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Taekwondo is a popular form of Martial Arts. From which country did Taekwondo originate...?

(i) Korea
(ii) Japan

(iii) China
(iv) Malaysia

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What is the verbal meaning of "Zakat"...?

(i) Purification
(ii) Prayer

(iii) Fasting
(iv) None of the above

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