Which of the following cannot change fonts...? Mcqs

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Which of the following cannot change fonts...?

(i) Upper case
(ii) Toggle case

(iii) Lower case
(iv) Indent case

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Where is the tomb of Molana Jalal ud din rumi located...?

(i) Rome
(ii) Baghdad

(iii) Samarkand
(iv) Konya

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Synonym of Trammel is ________________...?

(i) Obstacle
(ii) Ponder

(iii) Rattle
(iv) None of these

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The deepest place in the Indian Ocean is_____...?

(i) Mariana Trench
(ii) Puerto Rico Trench

(iii) Diamantina  Trench
(iv) Java Trench

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The country name “Netherlands” literally means that...?

(i) mouth of land
(ii) land of sun set

(iii) ideal location
(iv) lower countries

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Many young men were ___ at street corners for the coffee bars to open...?

(i) Hanging about
(ii) Hanging on

(iii) Hanging back
(iv) None of these

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The next senior rank to Sub Insepctor in Police is SHO Inspector. What does SHO stand for...?

(i) Senior Head Officer
(ii) Station Head Officer

(iii) Station House Officer
(iv) None of these

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______ is the ghosted text behind the content on page in Microsoft word...?

(i) Watermark
(ii) Stamp

(iii) Logo
(iv) None of these

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Mabroor Hajj means______________...?

(i) which is accepted
(ii) which is not accepted

(iii) which is observed correctly
(iv) which is performed with deficiencies

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The move to the previous cell in a table inserted in a document, press:...?

(i) The Tab Key
(ii) Alt+Tab

(iii) Shift+Tab
(iv) Backspace

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