which of the following controls the process of interaction between the user and the operating system...? Mcqs

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which of the following controls the process of interaction between the user and the operating system...?

(i) user interface
(ii) platform

(iii) screensaver
(iv) none of these

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in 2009 , The worlds largest foreign exchange reserves, almost $ 2 trillion is of...?

(i) USA
(ii) Japan

(iii) Germany
(iv) China

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Auspicious means...?

(i) Favorable
(ii) Generous

(iii) Unfavorable
(iv) Sinister

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During the Mughal rule “Bakhsi” was ______...?

(i) incharge of military affairs
(ii) finance minister

(iii) incharge of religious affairs
(iv) minister of the royal household

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Thesaurus tool in MS Word is used for____________...?

(i) Grammar options
(ii) Spelling suggestions

(iii) Synonyms and Antonyms words
(iv) None of These

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Human Rights Organizations 'Human Rights Watch' is based in..?

(i) Geneva
(ii) New York

(iii) London
(iv) Paris

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To which country did Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790) belong...?

(i) England
(ii) France

(iii) America
(iv) Canada

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______ is the ghosted text behind the content on page in Microsoft word...?

(i) Watermark
(ii) Stamp

(iii) Logo
(iv) None of these

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Which software is used for preparing an office presentation...?

(i) Photoshop
(ii) MS PowerPoint

(iii) Outlook express
(iv) MS Excel

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Kawah Ijen volcano, famous for its blue lava, is located in which country...?

(i) Philippines
(ii) Indonesia

(iii) Japan
(iv) Malaysia

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