Which of the following dams is situated at the highest altitude...? Mcqs

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Which of the following dams is situated at the highest altitude...?

(i) Wali Tangi Dam
(ii) Tanda Dam

(iii) Kanpur Dam
(iv) Warsak Dam

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Basic Input Output System (BIOS) are used in Computer...?

(i) Firmware
(ii) MS Excel

(iii) Operating system
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following software is used to prepare presentation...?

(i) Power point
(ii) Microsoft Word

(iii) Spread sheet
(iv) None of these

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Adjusting the space b/w two consecutive characters is called...?

(i) Tracking
(ii) Leading

(iii) Formatting
(iv) Editing

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Which one is the capital city of Italy...?

(i) Milan
(ii) Venice

(iii) Turin
(iv) Rome

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The number of bones in new born baby is:...?

(i) 200
(ii) 250

(iii) 300
(iv) None of these

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Total number of students in a class is 95. If the total number of girls in the class is 45, then the ratio of total number. If boys to total number girls is:...?

(i) 9:10
(ii) 7:8

(iii) 10:9
(iv) 9:11

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Synonym of “decorous” is _________...?

(i) adorned
(ii) ugly

(iii) insane
(iv) proper

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According to which amendment suspended Constitution of 1973 was restored...?

(i) 7th Amendment
(ii) 8th Amendment

(iii) 9th Amendment
(iv) 10th Amendment

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Which country is not a member of SAARC...?

(i) Afghanistan
(ii) Nepal

(iii) Myanmar
(iv) Sri Lanka

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