Which of the following device is used to store data permanently...? Mcqs

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Which of the following device is used to store data permanently...?

(i) Hard Disk
(ii) Printer

(iii) Cashe
(iv) Ram

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Decimal system was introduced in Pakistan on first January...?

(i) 1954
(ii) 1955

(iii) 1956
(iv) 1961

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اسم ظرف کی اقسام کتنی ہیں؟...?

(i) 1
(ii) 2

(iii) 3
(iv) 4

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Kobe Bryant professional basketball player of US died earlier in Helicopter crash in which state...?

(i) Florida
(ii) Illinois

(iii) California
(iv) None of these

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Who was teacher of Aristotle...?

(i) Socrates
(ii) Pedicles

(iii) Plato
(iv) None of these

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Microprocessor is the ______ of the computer and it perform all the computational tasks...?

(i) main
(ii) heart and brain

(iii) important
(iv) None of these

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The synonym of Adumbrate is:...?

(i) Outline these
(ii) Ignore

(iii) Forget
(iv) None of

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The branch of medicine dealing with Skin is called:...?

(i) Pharmacology
(ii) empty

(iii) Parasitology
(iv) Dermatology

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Cholesterol is present in all of the following except...?

(i) Milk
(ii) Fish

(iii) Egg White
(iv) Egg Yolk

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Who was the first owner of the Microsoft Company...?

(i) Mark Zucker Berg
(ii) Dick Cheney

(iii) Bill Gates
(iv) Steve Jobs

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