Which of the following Excel feature allows users to evaluate values and return a result?...? Mcqs

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Which of the following Excel feature allows users to evaluate values and return a result?...?

(i) Formulas
(ii) Formatting

(iii) Filters
(iv) Insertions

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Synonym of “impale” is _________...?

(i) terrify
(ii) entrap

(iii) transfix
(iv) summon for jury duty

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Which of the following the Quran considers as an unpardonable sin...?

(i) Lie
(ii) Jealousy

(iii) Shirk
(iv) Hypocrisy

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Which Surah of the Qur’an contains the word Allah in every verse...?

(i) Surah Rehman
(ii) Surah Mujadilah

(iii) Surah Muhammad
(iv) None of these

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Digital divide term is related with...?

(i) Econimics
(ii) Socio economics difference technology era

(iii) Political Science
(iv) Journalism

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In Microsoft Word, ____________ can be used to decide on the spacing between lines of a paragraph....?

(i) Alignment
(ii) Effects

(iii) Indentation
(iv) Line spacing

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In MS Excel, which function automatically total a column or row of values...?

(ii) ADD

(iii) SUM
(iv) AVG

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JAT Airways is the international Airlines of which country...?

(i) Pakistan
(ii) Serbia

(iii) Russia
(iv) Germany

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According to UNHCR most refugees – 76 per cent – are hosted by ________countries....?

(i) High Income
(ii) Low Income

(iii) Middle Income
(iv) Both (B) and (C)

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شملہ کانفرس منعقد ہوئی...?

(i) 1925 میں
(ii) 1935 میں

(iii) میں1930
(iv) 1945میں

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