Which of the following gases has an important role in maintaining atmospheric temperature...? Mcqs

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Which of the following gases has an important role in maintaining atmospheric temperature...?

(i) Nitrogen
(ii) Argon

(iii) Oxygen
(iv) Carbon dioxide

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In which Battle Muslim women participated for the first time...?

(i) Uhad battle
(ii) Battle of Trench

(iii) Tabook battle
(iv) Badr battle

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Which airlines is the largest and National airline of Israel...?

(i) EL AL
(ii) lAL

(iii) Air Israel
(iv) Arkia Airlines

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Complete the series: 1, 1, 8, 4, 27, 9,...?

(i) 64
(ii) 20

(iii) 60
(iv) 16

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Which is Australia’s largest city by population...?

(i) Sydney
(ii) Melbourne

(iii) Perth
(iv) None of these

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Bacon had thirst ___________ knowledge...?

(i) for
(ii) about

(iii) of
(iv) to

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According to the holy Quran what is the chosen religion of Allah...?

(i) Jewish
(ii) Confucianism

(iii) Islam
(iv) Christian

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He is not yield ______ enemy as he is brave...?

(i) of
(ii) to

(iii) with
(iv) by

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Cooking oil can be converted into vegetable ghee by the process of::...?

(i) Oxidation
(ii) Distillation

(iii) Hydrogenation
(iv) Crystallization

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The Action (Amal) of Islam depends on___________...?

(i) Confidence
(ii) Faith

(iii) Struggle
(iv) None of These

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