Which of the following has maximum water content...? Mcqs

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Which of the following has maximum water content...?

(i) Vegetable
(ii) Sauces

(iii) Fruits
(iv) None of these

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A plan which fails to achieve Its purpose is...?

(i) Abortion
(ii) Perfidious

(iii) Abortive
(iv) imperfect

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The 'Day of Deliverance' by All India Muslim League was observed on:...?

(i) 22nd December, 1939
(ii) 10th November, 1939

(iii) 20th October, 1939
(iv) 14th September, 1939

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Which country held its first election in October 2021...?

(i) Saudi Arabia
(ii) Qatar

(iii) Brunei
(iv) None of these

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What are moraines...?

(i) Sand dunes formed by wind
(ii) Deposits by glaciers

(iii) Rocks formed by volcanic eruptions
(iv) Sediments carried by rivers

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Tafseer al Quran al Azeem was written by _____________...?

(i) Ismail bin Kathir (Ibn Al Athir)
(ii) Imam Abu HAneefa

(iii) Imam Ghazali
(iv) Imam Razi

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انار کلی، ڈرامہ کس کی تصنیف ہے ؟...?

(i) مرزا ادیب
(ii) سید امتیاز علی تاج

(iii) مجید امجد
(iv) صوفی تبسم

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Diego Garcia is Indian ocean...?

(i) Japan military base in the
(ii) US

(iii) Germany
(iv) Russia

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Antonym of QUIESCENT is...?

(i) Asleep
(ii) Active

(iii) Deactivated
(iv) Fallow

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Change voice: Who designed a car?...?

(i) By whom a car designed?
(ii) By whom a car had designed?

(iii) By whom a car was designed?
(iv) By whom a car was being designed?

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