Which of the following is associated with Einstein...? Mcqs

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Which of the following is associated with Einstein...?

(i) Radioactivity
(ii) Theory Of Relativity

(iii) Rocket propulsion
(iv) Quantum Theory

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Hazrat Isa (AS) prayed to Allah to become the Ummati of which Prophet...?

(i) Hazrat Musa (AS)
(ii) Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)

(iii) Hazrat Ibrahim (AS)
(iv) Hazrat Nooh (AS)

Latest MCQs

If all the members of a team are juniors or seniors, and if the ratio of juniors to seniors on the team is 3:5, what percent of team members are seniors...?

(i) 37.5%
(ii) 40%

(iii) 60%
(iv) 62.5%

Latest MCQs

Which menu do you choose to create footer in Office 365...?

(i) format, header and footer
(ii) view, footer

(iii) insert, header and footer
(iv) view, header and footer

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Synonym of Mull is __________ ...?

(i) Help
(ii) Discourage

(iii) Think
(iv) Provoke

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The deepest place on earth is ____________...?

(i) Trench
(ii) Mariana Trench

(iii) Mangrove
(iv) Groove

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How many verses in the Holy Quran dealing with animals ...?

(i) 50
(ii) 100

(iii) 150
(iv) 200

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Who translated the Holy Quran to Persian for the 1st time?...?

(i) Syed Ahmed Shaheed
(ii) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

(iii) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
(iv) Shah Wali Ullah Khan

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The best source of Vitamin C is..........?

(i) Meat
(ii) Potatoes

(iii) Oranges
(iv) Butter

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اردو شاعری کے علاوہ مرزا غالب نے کس صنف نثر میں نام پیدا کیا؟...?

(i) خطوط
(ii) ناول

(iii) داستان
(iv) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں

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