Which of the following is the airline of Pakistan...? Mcqs

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Which of the following is the airline of Pakistan...?

(i) Serene air
(ii) Vision air international

(iii) Star Air aviation
(iv) Airblue

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A word processor would most likely be used to do__________...?

(i) Type a biography
(ii) Maintain an inventory

(iii) Do a computer search in media center
(iv) Keep an account of money spent

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Who was the First Women “Hafiz e Quran” to memorize the Holy Quran...?

(i) Umal Mumneen Hazrat Aysha (R.A)
(ii) Umal Mumneen Hazrat Zainab (R.A)

(iii) Umal Mumneen Hafsah bint-e-Umar (R.A)
(iv) None of them

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https provides a ______ communication over computer network...?

(i) Secure
(ii) Text

(iii) Voice
(iv) Video

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What is mean by causeway...?

(i) A raised path
(ii) Marsh soil

(iii) Salty ocean
(iv) Road on Hill

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I am So much _____ To meet u...?

(i) Delighted
(ii) close

(iii) charming
(iv) None Of These

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In 2002, Amnesty International succeeded in having an "Optional Protocol" added to the Child Human Rights Act in the UN. This protocol raised the age at which states can legally recruit children into the armed forces to 18. What is legal age under

(i) 13
(ii) 14

(iii) 18
(iv) 15

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Name the wife of the Holy prophet (SAW) who was titled as Umm-ul-Masakeen...?

(i) Hazrat Ummay Habiba (RA)
(ii) Hazrat Ummay Salma (RA)

(iii) Hazrat Zainab bint e Khuzaiymah (RA)
(iv) Hazrat Zainab Bint-t-Jahsh

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How many kinds of Wahi are there...?

(i) Two
(ii) Three

(iii) Four
(iv) Seven

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The antonyms of Stale is...?

(i) Old
(ii) Fresh

(iii) Tale
(iv) Break

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