Which of the following is the method by which data is converted from a readable form to an encoded version...? Mcqs

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Which of the following is the method by which data is converted from a readable form to an encoded version...?

(i) Encryption
(ii) Spooling

(iii) Censoring
(iv) COD

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Which of the following countries is closest size to Sri Lanka ...?

(i) Qatar
(ii) Iceland

(iii) Rwandan
(iv) Maldives

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Cedi is the currency...?

(i) Ghana
(ii) Lei

(iii) Athopia
(iv) Burg

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Total number of students in a class is 95. If the total number of girls in the class is 45, then the ratio of total number. If boys to total number girls is:...?

(i) 9:10
(ii) 7:8

(iii) 10:9
(iv) 9:11

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Who was the Governor of Bengal from 1760 to 1764...?

(i) Henry Vansittart
(ii) John Spencer

(iii) John Cartier
(iv) Warren Hastings

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Which is the former name of Ghana...?

(i) Upper Volta
(ii) Gold Coast

(iii) Zanzibar
(iv) None of these

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ابوجہل کا نام کیا ہے...?

(i) عمرو بن زبیر
(ii) عمرو بن سلمان

(iii) عمرو بن ہشام
(iv) ان میں سے کوئی نہیں

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Synonym of Garish is: _________...?

(i) Confused
(ii) Gaudy

(iii) Unusual
(iv) Exciting

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_______ displays the content of active cell...?

(i) Row headings
(ii) Name box

(iii) Formula bar
(iv) None of these

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Which COVID-19 vaccines are accepted...?

(i) Pfizer
(ii) AstraZeneca

(iii) Moderna
(iv) All of these

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