which of the following is the oldest continuously inhabited city of Russia...? Mcqs

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which of the following is the oldest continuously inhabited city of Russia...?

(i) Moscow
(ii) Saint Petersberg

(iii) Kazan
(iv) Derbent

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What is 'armageddon'...?

(i) Nations final battle which will end world
(ii) A last day of Universe

(iii) A name of film
(iv) None of these

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Antonym of GUMPTION is ...?

(i) Apathy
(ii) Nerve

(iii) Initiative
(iv) Sagacity

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Churchill River is located in which country...?

(i) Canada
(ii) New Zealand

(iii) Australia
(iv) Switzerland

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Where can you find the horizontal split bar on MS Word Screen...?

(i) On the left of horizontal scroll bar
(ii) On the right of horizontal scroll bar

(iii) On the top of vertical scroll bar
(iv) On the bottom of vertical scroll bar

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Synonym of “Crucifixion” is _________....?

(i) contentment
(ii) happiness

(iii) execution
(iv) gassing

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How many age categories of international Wresting...?

(i) 3
(ii) 4

(iii) 5
(iv) 6

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Lombard street is located in San Francisco and it is also called as _________...?

(i) Crookedest street
(ii) Fleet street

(iii) Bond street
(iv) Harley street

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Arrangement of data in a logical sequence is known as:...?

(i) Sorting
(ii) Classifying

(iii) Reproducing
(iv) Summerizing

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How can we describe UK...?

(i) England + Northern Ireland
(ii) Britain + Northern Ireland

(iii) Great Britain + Northern Ireland
(iv) England

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