Which of the following symbol sets would be most likely to contain a mathematical symbol such as a degree sign, greater than or equal to, or a Greek letter...? Mcqs

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Which of the following symbol sets would be most likely to contain a mathematical symbol such as a degree sign, greater than or equal to, or a Greek letter...?

(i) Symbol
(ii) Wingdings

(iii) Webdings
(iv) None of the above

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Who is the owner of Bahria Town...?

(i) Mian Mansha
(ii) Asif Ali Zardari

(iii) Sadr-ud-din Hashwani
(iv) Malik Riaz

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The book The Sole Spokesman: Jinnah the Muslim and Demand for Pakistan was written by:...?

(i) Umera Ahmad
(ii) Aitzaz Ahsan

(iii) Ayesha Jalal
(iv) Liaqat Ali Khan

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My friend and I are going to party. Here I is:...?

(i) Subjective case
(ii) Genitive case

(iii) Objective case
(iv) None of these

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The sum of the squares of two positive integers is 100 and the difference of their squares is 28. What is the sum of the number...?

(i) 15
(ii) 24

(iii) 27
(iv) 14

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Name the battle which came to an end without result...?

(i) Hunain
(ii) Tabook

(iii) Ohad
(iv) Mota

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Who is Newly appointed General Secretary of UNO on 31st December 2016...?

(i) Antonio Guterreson
(ii) Ban-ki-moon

(iii) Peter Thomson
(iv) none of these

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World Inventor’s Day is celebrated on _____________...?

(i) 9th November
(ii) 8th April

(iii) 31st April
(iv) 23rd April

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The transfer of data from one place to another is called:...?

(i) Data processing
(ii) Data distribution

(iii) Data communication
(iv) Data encryption

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To which Prophet Muslim Ummah Belongs...?

(i) Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)
(ii) Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)

(iii) Hazrat Ismaeel (A.S)
(iv) Hazrat Yaqoob (A.S)

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