Which one of the following areas in Pakistan is known for largest Iron ore deposits?...? Mcqs

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Which one of the following areas in Pakistan is known for largest Iron ore deposits?...?

(i) Chitral
(ii) Kalabagh

(iii) Sat Range
(iv) Kalat

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Khyber Pass connects Peshawar with...?

(i) Quetta
(ii) Kabul

(iii) Sibbi
(iv) None of these

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Philately is a...?

(i) Science of drugs
(ii) Stamp collection

(iii) The study of written record
(iv) The study of animal behaviour

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When Quetta was devastated by severe earthquake...?

(i) 29 May, 1935
(ii) 28 May, 1935

(iii) 31 May, 1935
(iv) 30 May, 1935

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Synonym of TRUCE is_________...?

(i) Armistice
(ii) Ratify

(iii) Agreement
(iv) Settlement

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A mass of ice originating in mountains in snowfields above the snowline is called...?

(i) Mountain River
(ii) Glaciers

(iii) Lakes and Water falls
(iv) None of these

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The largest Island of the world is _____...?

(i) Iceland
(ii) Cyprus

(iii) Greenland
(iv) None of these

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423 a divisible by:...?

(i) 21
(ii) 47

(iii) 17
(iv) 43

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میں برطانیہ نے ہندوستان سے متعلق کون سا دستاویز پیش کیا؟ 1933...?

(i) منٹومورلی اصلاحات
(ii) وائٹ پیپر

(iii) گول میز کانفرنس
(iv) انڈین انڈیپینڈنس ایکٹ

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The world’s deadliest conflict was...?

(i) World War I
(ii) World War II

(iii) Mongol Conquests
(iv) Taiping Rebellion

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