Which one of the following countries was the last one to become a member of SAARC...? Mcqs

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Which one of the following countries was the last one to become a member of SAARC...?

(i) Sri Lanka
(ii) Nepal

(iii) Afghanistan
(iv) None of these

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In which year, was the 1st widely available web browser, Mosaic, released...?

(i) 1993
(ii) 1995

(iii) 1996
(iv) 1998

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Who established the foundation of Umayyad dynasty...?

(i) Hazrat Abubakr RA
(ii) Hazrat Ameer Muawiya RA

(iii) Hazrat Abo Sufyan RA
(iv) Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed RA

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Togo and Gabon got independence from ___________...?

(i) UK
(ii) France

(iii) USA
(iv) USSR

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Who put diacritical marks for the first time in Quran-e-Pak...?

(i) Imam Malik R.A
(ii) Imam Shafi R.A

(iii) Hazart Abu al-Aswad al-Du’ali RA
(iv) All of these

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Synonym of “impale” is _________...?

(i) terrify
(ii) entrap

(iii) transfix
(iv) summon for jury duty

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MS Access arranges the data in the...?

(i) Tables
(ii) Queries

(iii) Relations
(iv) None of these

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The President of USA who was killed during his office...?

(i) J.F kennedy
(ii) Richard Nxon

(iii) Abraham Lincoln
(iv) Both A and B

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Antonym of “famous” is...?

(i) Poor
(ii) Obscure

(iii) Untalented
(iv) Boring

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Maqbool Hajj means______________...?

(i) which is accepted
(ii) which is not accepted

(iii) which is observed correctly
(iv) which is performed with deficiencies

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