Which one of the following is not a search engine?...? Mcqs

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Which one of the following is not a search engine?...?

(i) Google
(ii) MSN

(iii) Windows
(iv) Yahoo

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Hazrat ____________ was the first who learnt to write....?

(i) Ibrahim A.S
(ii) Idrees A.S

(iii) Musa A.S
(iv) Haroon A.S

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The only difference between memory and storage is:...?

(i) Slow, Fast
(ii) Temporary, Permanent

(iii) Permanent, Temporary
(iv) None of these

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Which of the following is not a major reason for an email bounce...?

(i) Bad user account name
(ii) bad domain name

(iii) Stale file handle
(iv) domain server is down

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Who is the author of the book "The Clash of Civilizations"?...?

(i) Alvin Tofflier
(ii) Toynbee

(iii) Samuel P Huntington
(iv) None of these

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The world largest Muslim country by area is...?

(i) Malaysia
(ii) Indonesia

(iii) Pakistan
(iv) Kazakhstan

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"It rained for three days and the streets in my neighbourhood were flooded".The given sentence is an example of the sentence:...?

(i) Imperative Sentence
(ii) Simple Sentence

(iii) Compound Sentence
(iv) complex Sentence

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Due to geo strategic position no peace is possible in Afghanistan without the active support and co-operation of:...?

(i) India
(ii) Iran

(iii) Pakistan
(iv) China

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what kind of memory is both static and non volatile...?

(i) RAM
(ii) ROM

(iii) BIOS
(iv) none of these

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Which of the following International Organization has no head quarts...?

(i) GCC
(ii) OAU

(iii) G-8
(iv) D-8

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