Which out of the following countries hosted most refugees in 2012:...? Mcqs

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Which out of the following countries hosted most refugees in 2012:...?

(i) Iran
(ii) Pakistan

(iii) Germany
(iv) France

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The command used to apply look of one piece of text to other parts of text document...?

(i) Copy
(ii) Format Painter

(iii) Paste
(iv) None

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Who was Pakistan chief of Air Staff in 1965 war...?

(i) Anwar Shamim
(ii) Noor Khan

(iii) Jamal Khan
(iv) None of these

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Synonym of EMBEZZLE is _____________...?

(i) Remunerate
(ii) Clear

(iii) Balance
(iv) Misappropriate

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The percentage of Muslims in Jammu and Kashmir is _____....?

(i) 90%
(ii) 40%

(iii) 60%
(iv) 68.8%

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Synonym of “buoyancy” is _________...?

(i) sadness
(ii) durability

(iii) cheerfulness
(iv) simplicity

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The number of seats reserved for Non- Muslims in Punjab Assembly are:...?

(i) 08
(ii) 10

(iii) 12
(iv) None of these

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Arab Spring started from which country...?

(i) Tunisia
(ii) Libya

(iii) Yemen
(iv) Egypt

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When was communist party banned in Pakistan:...?

(i) 1954
(ii) 1966

(iii) 1988
(iv) 2000

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IOC stands for...?

(i) International Olympic Committee
(ii) International Olympic countries

(iii) Indian Olympic Committee
(iv) Italian Olympic Committee

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