Which part of the plant produces pollens...? Mcqs

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Which part of the plant produces pollens...?

(i) Anther
(ii) Ovules

(iii) Filament
(iv) Sepal

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In MS Word, ______shortcut key combination underlines the selected text...?

(i) Ctrl + P
(ii) Ctrl + V

(iii) Ctrl + U
(iv) Ctrl + A

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____ sign is used at the end of a sentence or a short phrase which express strong feelings...?

(i) Comma
(ii) Exclamation

(iii) Semi Colon
(iv) Full stop

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Helitours is the airline of which country...?

(i) Spain
(ii) Somalia

(iii) Srilanka
(iv) Sudan

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Hazrat Ibn Abbas (RA) had the title of ____________ ...?

(i) Turjuman-ul-Quran
(ii) Khair-ul-Bashr

(iii) Ameen-ul-Ummat
(iv) Sayyed-ul-Muslimeen

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Which of the following is the least polluted gas...?

(i) Carbon
(ii) Nitrogen

(iii) Chlorine
(iv) None of these

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The deepest mine in the world continent of ___________...?

(i) Africa
(ii) Europe

(iii) Asia
(iv) North America

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Who was the first Muslim Caliph of Spain...?

(i) Abd Ar Rehman Ad-Dakhil
(ii) Abd Al Jabar

(iii) Abd L Malik
(iv) Marwan 11

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Abdus Salam was awarded Nobel Prize in Physics...?

(i) 1969
(ii) 1976

(iii) 1979
(iv) 1989

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Complete the series: 4, 9,16, 25,...?

(i) 32
(ii) 42

(iii) 55
(iv) 36

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