Which president resigned in the American history ________...? Mcqs

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Which president resigned in the American history ________...?

(i) Abraham Lincoln
(ii) Richard Nixon

(iii) John F. Kennedy
(iv) George W. Bush

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How many characters in ASCII 8-bit code can represent?...?

(i) 1000 characters
(ii) 390 characters

(iii) 156 characters
(iv) 256 characters

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Hazrat Isa (AS) was sent to preach the message of Allah to the people of ___________ ...?

(i) Israel
(ii) Whole World

(iii) Islam
(iv) Only for Arab

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قرآن مجید میں کل ـــــ سورتیں آئیں ...?

(i) $1
(ii) 115

(iii) 71
(iv) 114

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Which country in Africa was formerly known as Rhodesia...?

(i) south Africa
(ii) Zimbabwe

(iii) Zambia
(iv) Kenya

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Thalassemia is due to abnormality in:...?

(i) Lymphatic fluid
(ii) Hemoglobin

(iii) Platelets
(iv) White blood cells

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Synonym of “asperity” is _________...?

(i) roughness
(ii) dream

(iii) ambition
(iv) smoothness

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A cooling agent that has lower temperature than water ice, is solid form of...?

(i) Nitrogen gas
(ii) Ammonia

(iii) Carbon dioxide
(iv) None of these

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The Fifth Fleet of USA is located in...?

(i) Syria
(ii) Bahrain

(iii) Italy
(iv) None of these

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Which shortcut is used for Undo in MS word:...?

(i) Ctrl+Y
(ii) Ctrl+Z

(iii) Ctrl+K67
(iv) Ctrl+1

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